
Bitcoin: What does "weight" mean in the input_weights parameter of the fundrawtransaction cmd

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About Bitcoin's "inputs" and "output_weights" parameters in "fundrawtransaction"

When using the "bitcoin-cli" command line tool, you may encounter problems when trying to add inputs to a transaction with specific wallet inputs. In this article, we will look at what the 'weights' parameter in 'fundrawtransaction' does and how to use it effectively.

What are "inputs" and "output_weights"?

In Bitcoin, an input is a script hash that determines which output this input will be used for. The output weight represents the amount of money or other assets transferred to the corresponding address.

When using the "bitcoin-cli funddrawtransaction" function, you can specify the inputs for your transaction by passing them as command line arguments in the form: . The hash of the script is the unique identifier of the input script, and the sum is the output value that this input will be applied to.

For example:

bitcoin-cli fundrawtransaction -txid 1234567890abcdef

This will create a transaction with an input to the specified script hash value, and spend "X" currency units (representing the amount) on that product.

What are "output_weights"?

In Bitcoin, inputs are considered "weighted" because each input has multiple associated outputs. Each output weight represents how many coins or assets will be transferred to the corresponding address for that input. In other words, an input with a high weight means you can spend more coins on the product.

When using "bitcoin-cli fundrawtransaction", the output_weights parameter specifies the weights of each output used in the transaction. If an input has multiple outputs, you need to specify the output weights for those inputs accordingly.

Using the input_weights attribute

You can add inputs with specific inputs created by your portfolio using the "input_weights" parameter in conjunction with the "inputs" command line argument.

bitcoin-cli input-weights

For example:

bitcoin-cli input-weights my_wallet Address 1000000 2

This would specify that you want to use at least "X" units of money for the first output and use a weight of "Y" for that output.

Example use case

Let's say we have a wallet with the address "MyWallet" and two outputs: Output A (1 BTC) and Output B (5 BTC). You want to spend 10 BTC from your wallet to Output A using the hash script :

bitcoin-cli fundrawtransaction -txid 1234567890abcdef MyWallet 2

The output would be a transaction with inputs and outputs defined in the format above. You can add an input to this transaction using the "input-weights" command in conjunction with the fundrawtransaction command:

bitcoin-cli fundrawtransaction -txid 1234567890abcdef MyWallet input-weights MyWallet address 10 2

This specifies that you want to spend at least 10 units of the coin to Output A (1 BTC) using your wallet address.

I hope this article helps clarify the "input_weights" parameter in "fundrawtransaction". Let me know if you have any other questions or need further assistance.

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