
Metamask: Can I make a transaction using Etherjs without a signer?

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Metamask: Can I Make a Transaction Using Ether.js Without Signer?

In recent times, decentralized finance (DeFi) has gained significant traction, and interacting with blockchain networks has become increasingly complex. This is where Metamask comes into play - an open-source browser extension that allows users to interact with various Ethereum-compatible blockchains, including Ethereum Mainnet and Binance Smart Chain.

What is Signer?

In traditional web applications, a signer is typically used to authenticate the identity of users or organizations before allowing them to access sensitive data. In the context of DeFi, signers are often used to verify the ownership or authorization of assets on the blockchain.

Using MetaMask Without Signer

While Metamask does not provide a built-in way to execute transactions without a signer, there is a workaround using the eth-address module and the web3 library. This approach involves creating an Ethereum address programmatically and then sending transactions using that address.

Here's a high-level overview of the steps involved:

  • Install required libraries: You'll need to install the eth-transaction, web3, and eth-address modules using npm or yarn.

  • Create an Ethereum address

    Metamask: Can I make a transaction using Etherjs without signer?

    : Use the eth-transaction module to create a new Ethereum address programmatically. This can be done by creating a new transaction with a specific purpose (e.g., sending Ether) and then querying the blockchain for that address.

const { ethTransaction, web3 } = require('eth-transaction');

const Web3 = require('web3');

const etherAddress = '0x...yourEtherAddress...'; // replace with your Ethereum address

// Create a new transaction to send Ether

const tx = {

data: [

'0x...', // Gas price and gas limit (in wei)

'0x...', // Gas amount in wei

'0x...' // nonce value


from: web3.eth.accounts[0], // Sender's Ethereum account address

to: etherAddress, // Receiver's Ethereum address


// Send the transaction using eth-transaction

const signedTx = await web3.eth.accounts.signTransaction(tx);

  • Send the signed transaction: Use the eth-transaction module to send the signed transaction to your Ethereum wallet.

try {

const signedTxResponse = await web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction(signedTx.rawTransaction);

// Handle response from the blockchain (e.g., get the transaction ID)

} catch (error) {

console.error('Error sending transaction:', error);


Setting Up Signer for Infinite Use

To set up the signer one-time and use it indefinitely, you can create a new Ethereum account using Metamask. Here's an example of how to do this:

  • Set up MetaMask

    : Create a new account on the MetaMask website.

  • Connect to your wallet: Go to MetaMask and connect to your newly created wallet.

With this setup, you can now use the same eth-address module to execute transactions without needing to sign them manually. This approach provides an additional layer of security by ensuring that only the account owner (or authorized users) has access to their Ethereum balance.


In conclusion, while using MetaMask without a signer is technically possible, it requires manual signing and handling of transaction IDs. Setting up a signer for infinite use with Metamask, on the other hand, offers an additional layer of security by allowing you to manage your wallet's functionality without relying on signers.

However, please note that using signers can introduce unnecessary complexity in your applications and increase the risk of account theft or unauthorized access if not implemented correctly. Always weigh the benefits against the potential risks before making any decisions about implementing signers in your DeFi projects.

